Monday, April 28, 2008

We All Fall Down by Eric Walters

Welcome to the Blog for We All Fall Down by Eric Walters. Please make TWO postings here; one of your own original postings, and one posting that comments directly to the content of one of your classmates.


Maria D said...

This book was a over-explanitory story about a boy named Will who was with his father in the World Trade Centres on the day they were hit. To me, the book was not intreging enough because there was too much talking and the book was all about walking down some stairs. The ending was not realistic and was very cheesy and poorly written.

Justin said...

There are many ways that an individual can make a difference in the world, either drastically positive or tremendously negative. “We All Fall Down,” a heart-inspiring novel written by Eric Walters describes this difference, and reveals how tempting it may seem to ignore the possibility of helping and only care for yourself. An example in this novel is on page 134, when Will is contemplating whether to leave Ting—a small, fragile Chinese woman, or carry her down the vast flights of stairs to safety.
“‘It’s safer here’ I said. We could just leave her now that we’d gotten her out from beneath the cabinet and onto the stairs.” If Will’s father hadn’t shown his unexpected good nature and take the responsibility and carry Ting to safety, another life may have been lost, adding to the sorrowful amount. As you can see, “We All Fall Down,” by Eric Walters truly shows how an individual can make a difference and how certain characteristics of peoples’ actions can truly change the lives of others.

Justin said...
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Anonymous said...

Blogging time!! WOOT WOOT!

Unknown said...
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Kim said...


Courtney said...

hello its Courtney,

Pittsburgh is going to win the Stanley Cup not Philidelphia

Maria D said...

This book was a over-explanitory story about a boy named Will who was with his father in the World Trade Centres on the day they were hit. To me, the book was not intreging enough because there was too much talking and the book was all about walking down some stairs. The ending was not realistic and was very cheesy and poorly written.
There was a lot of foreshadowing at the beggining but I felt it was too much for what it turned out to be in the end.
The author should've thought of something more to do with the foreshadowing and a different ending. If he used better words for some parts and made more from the ending it could have been excellent.

Sean =P said...
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Chelsea said...

WHOA!!!! FRIGGLE!frigglefriggle...

єℓσσяα said...
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Unknown said...

hello, I am here.

Sean =P said...
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Anonymous said...
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Justin said...

In response to Maria's comment, I would certainly agree with many of your aspects of the novel "We All Fall Down." However, since we already know about the tragic event of 9/11, we would assume that he foreshadowed throughout the novel. I believe he did the opposite. I believe that the author wrote too much about the present time and not about what may happen until the very end.

Courtney said...

The book We all fall down is a tragic story about 9/11. It was very long in the beginning, but then got into the action. Will goes to work with his dad and experiences what happened at the world trade center on September 11th 2001. One of the moments in the book I will remember is when 2 people jump of the building together and Will is in shock. Ting a Chinese lady gets hurt from the hit so when Will and his dad tried to escape the building and the fire they had to take turns carrying her on their backs. To me, the book was put together ok, but the end of the story was very cheesy and I didn’t like it.

Courtney said...

I have to agree with Justin and Maria. He did foreshadowed through the book and i think the author should of thought of a way better ending to the book.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat have to disagree with Justin on his thoughts about how the story had made a difference in the world. I didn’t find that Will and his Dad saving Ting had any impact on the world what so ever. Indeed it affected Ting’s life but no where else.

But one person(s) who affected the world greatly is the Terrorist(s) that crashed the plane. That affected the world with a huge negative way. That crash has boosted the security, fear and created lots of tensions between countries such as the USA and Pakistan, Iraq ect. So no the main characters didn’t make a difference, yet they experienced an event that was caused by an individual that has changed the world forever.

Anonymous said...
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Patar. said...

I totally agree with Maria, i found that the book was very dull. I found that the author wrote to much about walking down stairs. I was very disappointed when the dad walked out alive, i expected him to have been killed when the building fell on him

Patar. said...
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Maria D said...

I have to say that I agree with most comments.
Something to add to Justin's second comment, is that foreshadowing was very big in the first and some of the second chapter. When the class was talking about the poem so much, didn't you wonder why?
Some parts in the book mentioned weren't even relevant and didn't tie in at all in the end which bored me.
Megan, I specifically agree with your comment about the Dad, and also you Patrick, and Courtney about the ending. I was annoyed that I had read that much to see such a poorly written ending.
I would sum the plot up to "walking down stairs" which doesn't sound very appealing and I would not reccomend this book.

Kim said...

*May Ruin Book for Begginers*

Although I am only on chapter 12, in We all fall down. Will (the main character) has made a difference, not a big difference, but a difference. He helped find the Chinese, and he carried her down the stairs, with his father. He also is caring because if my dad said get out of the building while the building next door is burning I would book it. Will also showed signs of courage, for example in this one part on page 147, he disagrees with his father, but he disagrees for safety, the dad starts speaking first:
“Im sure were safe now”
“Were not stopping,” I snapped
“Were Not?” my father asked
… and it carries on, he makes his dad not stop so they can be safer and get out of the building faster in case something happens, such as the ceiling falling, I think he should great leadership and courage on a tough situation here. Although I am only on chapter 12, I think he is making a difference, but I have heard comments that the book ends quickly, but I am looking forward to what else Will might do.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have personally read better books than “We all Fall Down”. The beginning dragged on for ssoooo long, but once the plane crashed into the building the book picked up its pace. It was really predictable and everything they said practically gave away the entire book.

Another comment, I found the ending horrible. It’s great that his dad lives but it ruined the book for me. They went through so much trauma and adventure together and then his father supposedly dies in an instant. Then a minute later he comes out and the book ends with an extremely cheezy comment "This is my father, we cna go now". It's good that the reader wasn't left hanging, but at the same time having an action filled novel end with a simple dry line ruines it. It seemed that the ending that no thought put into it.

To me, the main character didn't make a difference in the world at all. I realzied that the book's connection to the question is about how the negative event that happened to the towers has changed the world forever.

Patar. said...

"Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies, ashes ashes, we all fall down..."

The book “We all fall down” was a very dull book about a boy named Will who spends a day with his father at the World Trade Centers when a plane hits it. I found this book very dull and it just didn’t grab my attention. In the beginning of the book Will’s teacher talks about a poem, I think that they explained the quote to much. I knew that the poem would foreshadow something that would happen later on in the book, but the ending of the book was very poorly written. I think that the author should have made the ending more exciting and more realistic.

Kim said...

To comment on Patrick's Post, I didn't realize that quote foreshadowed but now that I think about it, it foreshadowed! Thanks Patrick for saying that, I didn;t realize that!

Anonymous said...

Warning, slight spoilers ahead

We All Fall Down by Eric Walters was like a sandwich. With dull bread, dull sauce, and just a sprinkle of pepper which made the sandwich a tad more interesting. I felt that Will, the main character, had a weak personality. On page 134 for example where Will thought to leave Ting, the Chinese woman, behind. This is what Will says: “‘It’s safer here,’ I said. We could just leave her now because we’d gotten her out from beneath the cabinet and onto the stairs.” This quote is important because it shows how weak of a character Will has but it gradually grows larger as you progress through out the story. I admit that I would not have been able to do some of the things that Will had done if I was there with his father. The strength he showed at the end of the book as better and he did make a difference but most of the story lagged on in the beginning until the plain crashed. I also think that I could have found a better ending than the author because I found that his ending was rather abrupt.

Anonymous said...

To reply to Patrick's post I also had not seen this foreshadowing and this really describes what the use is of the beggining 10-15 pages which i thought were useless in the book, thank you Patrick!

kevin said...

I agree with you Justin that in We All Fall Down, an individual can make a difference. However Justin, you have to think on a broader scale. They didn’t just make a difference in Ting’s life. They have made a difference by boosting up airport security as stated by Megan. Now there are tighter rules, bullet proof doors to stop hijackers, and X-ray scanning to check for any small weapons concealed.

kevin said...

I agree with Maria. They plot was really boring and I could sum it up in a few words. A plane crashes and the walk down stairs. In my opinion, I think that Eric Walter could have integrated some twists and turns in his story. Shame on you Eric.

Kim said...


We all fall down is a good book… up until they ending. The ending is not the greatest ending ive read, it left you hanging here is the ending: “This is my father,” I said, “And now we can go,”
It leaves you hanging, also the end of the book is only one page the book wraps up in one page, very fake in my opinion. However prior to the end it is a good book, once the first plane crashes it is a great book, and full of action. This book also shows foreshadowing but not the type in the book thief for example in the book thief the narrator death would tell you someone was going to die far before they were going to die. In here for example it was a poem, Ring around the rosie, A pocket full of poises then it goes to a part saying we all fall down… this is meaning that the building is going to fall down and with people in it, in the end Will starts saying: we all fall down…we all fall down. So this is foreshadowing, also in the first chapter the teacher says that they will have an experience that might change there life… foreshadowing again. Now back to Will making a difference, he didn’t make much of a difference, he carried Ting down the stairs (with the help of his father) that about the only thing I can remember, but I also remember his dad stating that he wouldn’t have tried going down the stairs if will hadn’t been there. So I think that he made a bit of a difference. Also I wouldn’t say the ending was that bad, but it wasn’t the best ending, but it was a way better ending then the giver. =P

Kim said...

Sorry for the really long post =P

Anonymous said...

I have collected some quotes from the novel but would anyone have any other good quotes that would help answer the question?

"To What extent can a individual make a difference in the world?"

Kim said...

How much of a difference do you guys think will made? I think that he didn't make a huge difference, but he made a bit of a difference, what do you guys/girls think?

Mrs. Middelaer said...

Robby is definitely our top blogger. With over 14 postings, he has engaged us with his insights. Thanks Robby!

Justin said...

In response to Kevin's comment:

I certainly agree that Will and his father did make a difference in Ting's life, but I didn't find they had any impact on the cities' security. I believe that the terrorist's who committed this crime have drastically changed the security of many airports world-wide, trying to prevent this tragedy from occurring once more. Even though other people may think that Ting didn't make a difference in the world; as in Iqbal, all it takes to make a difference in the world is one person, and don't you agree that every life is important?

Anonymous said...

in reply to Justin...
Who said they had an impact on the cities security?

Also a person dies every 3 seconds, and that is a fact that you probalby don't even consider every day. Today, hundreds have died but i bet not a single person today in class has stopped to think about that.

To most, it only matters when people they know or love die so that is when "every life is improtant" come into play. So yes they did affect Ting's life. So i don't beleive that Will and his Dad saving Ting made a positive difference in the world but the terriosts made a negeative one (as i mentioned before).

Justin said...

Thanks for the thoughts Courtney, Megan, Kevin and Maria!

In response to Megan's question:
I believe Kevin described how Will and his father made a difference on the cities security.

Sean =P said...

I have to agree with robby...

at the beggining it is a good book but it kinda falls apart at the end


Kim said...

Thank You! Sean also thanks for reading the really long post =P

Sean =P said...

I have not read that much of this book so I do not that much. So far it is a good book and it is quite interesting. I found that right off he bat there is foreshadowing, I find that this quote is foreshadowing the tragedy in the end, “Ring around the rosie, a pocketful of posie, ashes ashes, we all fall down.” Although this is a good book, so far it is really dragging on and is not going anywhere. I have also noticed that it does not go into detail of all the characters except for one girl who so far has not been very important. I have a feeling she will be towards the end of the book though.

Please leave some feedback =D

kevin said...

I understand what Megan is talking about. You don't really think about a child dying every 3 seconds. YOu forget it and it seems like it just slips from our mind.

Kim said...

I agree with Kevin, It's hard to believe that every 3 seconds a child is dying, and that only a child. Its really sad =(

Kim said...

*** Sorry forgot to add I also agree with Megan.... Is it just me or does this book have some great use of forshadowing? anyones thoughts?