Here is the blog for Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. Please add 2 postings to this site; one posting must be original and the other posting is a response to one of your classmate's postings.
The end and beginning of Gathering Blue where not what I would consider good, actually they are what I would consider horrible, the story itself did not contain enough action or excitement, I could summarize what happened in a few sentences. I am sorry if anyone disagrees, but I have to say that this book is almost as bad, if not as bad, as The Giver. Lois Lowry always has someone die in her writing, and they always die for a reason like illness. The ending of Gathering Blue was truly and totally terrible, Matt shows up with a guy, the guy says he is Kira’s father, gives her blue thread, and leaves; this is not much of an ending. Gathering Blue as well as The Giver both have no action or excitement, the fact that there is none of this really takes away from the story as action attracts people of all ages, and most people do not like books that do not contain any action. In my opinion Gathering Blue may have been good for some people, but most people would dislike it. I would not have even continued to read it if it had not been an assignment.
When I read books I like the book to have a lot of action, and keep me guessing as to what is going to happen. Gathering Blue did neither of these things. Firstly the action; Gathering Blue had absolutely no action whatsoever. The book was boring, and I had to try and force myself to keep reading. Basically the entire book is about Kira fixing up the singer’s robe. As to keeping me guessing, I found the book extremely predictable, and I guessed what was going to happen easily. Some of the things that I easily predicted were: That Jamison had ordered Annabelle’s death, that Council of Guardians had killed Kira, Jo and Thomas’s parents, and that the blind guy was her father. I also found that this book did not tie in with our main theme of this unit. I don’t believe that Kira made a difference in the world very much at all. Kira made a small change in her community, and may go on to do something great for the world, but in this book she did not do much at all. I have not read the next book in the series but I hope that it ties up some of the loose ends in this book. A quote from the book that suggests this is “One day our villages will know each other…I can feel that already” I think that this quote is hinting a little bit that the story continues and the two villages meet each other in the next book. I hope that the next book ties up all the loose ends about Jonas’s and Kira’s stories, and I also hope that it is not as predictable and boring as The Giver and Gathering Blue were.
Ben, I am very delighted to find another person who agrees with me. Yes, in my opinion, Gathering Blue was a horrible book, one of the worst that I have ever read. One thing I disagree with you Ben, the beginning wasn’t that bad; the story began with the death of the main character (Kira)’s mother, which drew me towards the story a bit. The content itself was extremely draggy and dull. Around the second last chapter, the story started to pick up some pace and I was quite surprised when Christopher said, “I’m your father.” After this Star Wars imitation, the story just collapsed. The ending was extremely poor; it didn’t wrap up the story at all. I remember checking about 10 times to see if that was the last page.
I really like the ideas of Lois Lowry, how she sees the world in a different perspective. However, I think she does a terrible job of explaining these concepts, especially ending her stories. And Ben, I totally agree with you, I would’ve never read this book if it wasn’t an assignment. My rating, I’d give it 1 out of 5.
I’m right now in the middle of Gathering Blue where Kira is learning how to dye. This book has been a bit boring but now it is started to pick up a little bit. Also I haven’t seen much of a difference Kira has made in the novel so far. I expected for this book to have more then just talk about her day and how much she misses her mom. If I was making this novel I would have stopped talking about how much she misses her mom by now and put some action into it. That way people would find this book more interesting like I would and most likely people would want to stay up that extra hour to see what happens next.
Please Tell me if I’m wrong or your opinions about my comment. Thanks.
Unlike no other. That is how I would explain what I have read so far in Gathering Blue. Not nessasarily in a good way. Gathering Blue to me is too similar to The Giver and they are both themed in different worlds. I felt that her plot to Gathering Blue was going too far and extended the Giver's plot too much. I am halfway through the book and it has not picked up yet and the book is definitely starting to bore me. Every chapter the book repeats itself; wakes up, sees Thomas, walks to Annabella, comes home, does work, eats dinner, and sees Matt sometime in between there. If you ask me, that's not a plot.
Won Mo I agree with your opinion about Lois Lowry's ideas. She has an extremelly creative mind, and if she had the writing talent to match it, her books would be amazing.
Gathering Blue is one of the worst books I read. Yes, it was worse than God are you there it’s me Margaret and the video for Michael Jackson’s Thriller had a better ending than this horrible novel written by Lois Lowry, the Newberry Award winning author. A few words to describe this book: dull, boring, predictable and pointless. The actual content of the book (which is very pointless) is very concise, but Lois Lowry extended it, making the book extremely draggy. I felt no sympathy for Kira, the crippled protagonist because to me, she just seemed like a weirdo, who thinks that a piece of cloth talks to her. If Lowry had described how the cloth talks to her more specifically and used more descriptive words, that part could’ve been very moving. Yes, the suspense grew near the second last chapter, and I was a bit surprised when Kira’s father appeared. However, it did sound like a scene from Star Wars and was a bit too poor of a twist compared to the suspense that she built. The ending…I really don’t even want to write about it. Even a grade 4 could write a better ending than that. Her father just leaves and she looks at him go… Lois Lowry, were you half asleep when you wrote this? It was as if a last chapter was token out of the book. And as I mentioned in my previous post, I give this book a 1 out of 5 and trust me, it is not worth reading.
Maria, I love how you said "That's not a plot!" That is such a good comment! And Louise, your right. Her books would be absolutely AMAZING!
And Brent, she does write a lot about Kira missing her mom... its just Lois Lowry trying to fill up some pages. If you liked Gathering Blue, please don't feel offended by my comments! Thanks.
To Won Mo and Louise: I completely agree with everything you guys have stated. The book is extremely action less and has a very poor story line. Kira herself, in my opinion, has a fairly weak character and demonstrates no action that are changing at all except for sowing up that robe and that wasn’t very changing world wise or even community wise. The fact that the book was so unbelievably predictable mad it a boring read and it wasn’t very enjoyable in my opinion. What do you guys think about Kira’s character? What about the ending? I was so disappointed with the ending that I, like Won Mo, kept searching for more. Showing up and saying, “I am your father,” and giving Kira some blue string wasn’t much of an ending in my opinion.
Ya, I agree with you Won Mo. I haven't read the ending but i unfortunetly already found it out... Lois Lowry is a copy cat. She takes c*ap from Star Wars. "I am Your Father." said te cripples dad... I find this to be pretty sad that she would go that low and take an ending (that sucks anyway) and uses it for herself. Like what is that about???
Sorry if i used words that I maybe shouldn't of but it just really angers me.
Louise you are right. I extremely found the book to be very predictable. I love to read books that have twists and turns as I think that makes the story a lot more exciting and hooks the reader. You are also right about Gathering Blue not having a proper ending. I really hoped that it would be better than The Giver in terms of the ending but I was wrong. There was a huge loose end and I think Lois Lowry could have wrote a better ending.
Do not read if you have not finished Gathering Blue...
I have finished Gathering Blue and yes, the book is so predictable. It seems like a little kid made it. This is because everything just so easily comes together like randomly finding her father. Lois Lawry didn’t even get into detail about how and where Matt had found him. Also as I read it, I thought that it was getting more interesting near the end. (not enough though to want me to keep going) But then it just dropped. Like there should have been something exciting going on with Kira’s father to make it a better book but Lois Lawry keeps it on a low and boring level. Does anyone know why she would do this?
Gathering Blue was an unfortunate book. Not in the way that the book was sad, but the way it was written was. The book was a waste of time to read and it was boring, so boring I never wanted to go back to reading it. Personally, if I was Lois Lowry I would get bored writing the book. It barely explained that anything was going to happen, for example: when they all of a sudden went to the ceremony of The Song I was so confused because she never explained what was happening. I agree with Won Mo except that I would probably give it a 0.5/5.
Lois Lowery disappoints me yet again. This books story line was weak and meaningless along with its extremely disappointing ending. I found that the main character, Kira, made no difference world wise or community wise. The whole book was based on her sewing up the Singers robe and then her father showing up, giving her some blue and then leaving. The constant grammar mistakes in the way that Matt spoke made the books story line harder to follow and understand. Could you guys understand the way Matt spoke with ease? If not, did it make the story harder to understand? I didn’t see the point in the plot and I couldn’t find a climax. I found that the book Gathering Blue was not about making a difference and that disappointed me. The book was just so predictable it was like the narrator was yelling in your face what was going to happen next. I thought that this made the book weaker and way less fun to read. If the books plot was less predictable and a little more complex I think that the book would be a lot better. What do you guys think? I even think that it would have been a little more about Kira trying to change life in her community, not just sewing up some robe. Do you guys agree or disagree with me on that point? Despite the books feeble plot, I thought that when Vandra said, “The causer of death must die,” that it really made me think. When she said that I was able to make connections with our modern day world and how this is true is many countries. I personally think that this punishment is effective but is not making our world a better place to live in. I believe that Gathering Blue could have defiantly been more powerful in the area of making a difference but in a way it linked to the topic in tiny ways that could have went unnoticed.
Hey Maria! I would like to let you know that I completely agree with you. Gathering Blue was poorly written and was confusing and had no major attention getters or climax and is rather a boring read. On the other hand, I still believe that there might be tiny things with larger meanings that might be hidden amongst the rather dull plot. I think that if you read deeper and really look at what the characters are saying that you might begin to agree with me; the story had a deeper meaning that the shallow read that we are looking at it as. Just the tiny things like, “The causer of death must die,” have deeper meaning than what we look at them as. I know that overall the book is dry but if you look deeper there are tiny things that have meaning. When you are sifting for gold all you see at that point is the mud and muck of the river, but when you look harder you begin to see the traces of gold and other precious metals. I know it is dull on the outside like the muck but on the inside, when you look harder you begin to see the gold.
Helllllllllo! Chelsea your post was deep! And I agree with what you said; "Lois Lowry dissapoints me yet again." I felt she should have known what she was doing more. The biggest twist was when her dad showed up, which made no sense to me.
Lois Lawry on a bad ending streak? When I read this book I was hoping to get a good ending because of my disappointment from The Giver but unfortunately I didn’t get my wish. Has she run out of ideas or something? This strongly makes me never want to read The Messenger or any other of her books. This is because I can’t trust her that she is going to satisfy my wants of what I call “a good book.” I don’t see why Lois Lawry is a “successful” writer anyway. Don’t people realize all she is about disappointment? I have a part of the book on page 181 at the bottom that I’d like to tell you guys about what I mean about this being boring: Kira recalled; some slow, soaring lyrical phrases, followed by other harsher phrase… I can’t stand reading this!!! What kind of writer writes this c*ap?!?!?!?! Also… “Kira,” he said, but he did not need to tell her now, because she knew, “my name is Christopher, I’m your father.” This must have been so hard for Kira to find out because she thought he was dead ad has thought that for all her life but to now find out he’s alive and had to live without him forever would be hard on a very young girl. This was the biggest twist in the novel but Lois Lawry didn’t go into much detail about this or change almost anything about her life. That disappoints me ever more!!! Respond to what you think about my comments. Thank you=P
I am roughly 4/5 of a way through the novel Gathering Blue and despite the excessive amounts of negative comments surrounding the book; I am thoroughly enjoying the book. Now, it is not one of my all-time favorite books but does not deserve the extreme negativity towards it especially considering the attractive plot and the believable characters. If you are looking for an action book this is not going to be it and as Brent said the characters are not Hero’s and do not lead exciting, action-filled lives. But on the contrary, for a fairly quick read it addresses key emotions of the human nature and shows that despite what culture you may live in they are the same. The plot is believable with some good, although predictable, twists and turns and as I am nearing the climax I have a faint idea of the ending, but not enough to stop reading. As this is in response to Brent’s comment I have addressed and compared our different views, but of course he has a taste in reading that is different to mine, still I deeply encourage, you, Brent to not let knowing the ending of the novel stop you from enjoying the book.
Please give me your opinions on this topic. Thanks!
To what extent can Kira, an orphan with a twisted leg and the main character of Gathering Blue, make a difference in a world? Not only is her community violent and resistant to change, but they also cast the weak aside as if worthless beings of no value. Luckily, Kira was saved by her mother and now when her mum passes away Kira uses her unique talent of weaving to make a difference. “She could feel the future through her hands, in the pictures her hands were urging her to make.” Instead of moving to a comfortable town where she can be accepted and cherished, Kira decides to change her community’s cruel ways by rebelling against The Council of Guardians planned out future that she is supposed to weave, and instead creating her own. Despite the fact that we cannot exactly predict what she will weave, we do know the ideas she will want to communicate; change needs to happen-we need to respect everyone and become a more accepting and peaceful community. Even though we do not know what will be changed and to what extent, we do know that there will be an extent and in my opinion a large one.
In response to Chelsea’s response to Maria: I completely agree with you Chelsea, I think that most people have gone into this book with a negative attitude and are therefore bias to the book as a whole. I am greatly pleased to have someone agree with me that there are parts of this novel that are well written and if taken in positively can be positive. I hope that people, if willing, will open there eyes a little deeper and if possible see the glimmer of gold beneath their clouded vision.
LET's GO HAWKS!!! take down the celtics
im here :)
LET's GO HAWKS!!! take down the celtics
im here :)
I'm here =P
The end and beginning of Gathering Blue where not what I would consider good, actually they are what I would consider horrible, the story itself did not contain enough action or excitement, I could summarize what happened in a few sentences. I am sorry if anyone disagrees, but I have to say that this book is almost as bad, if not as bad, as The Giver. Lois Lowry always has someone die in her writing, and they always die for a reason like illness. The ending of Gathering Blue was truly and totally terrible, Matt shows up with a guy, the guy says he is Kira’s father, gives her blue thread, and leaves; this is not much of an ending. Gathering Blue as well as The Giver both have no action or excitement, the fact that there is none of this really takes away from the story as action attracts people of all ages, and most people do not like books that do not contain any action. In my opinion Gathering Blue may have been good for some people, but most people would dislike it. I would not have even continued to read it if it had not been an assignment.
My Opinion on Gathering Blue
When I read books I like the book to have a lot of action, and keep me guessing as to what is going to happen. Gathering Blue did neither of these things. Firstly the action; Gathering Blue had absolutely no action whatsoever. The book was boring, and I had to try and force myself to keep reading. Basically the entire book is about Kira fixing up the singer’s robe. As to keeping me guessing, I found the book extremely predictable, and I guessed what was going to happen easily. Some of the things that I easily predicted were: That Jamison had ordered Annabelle’s death, that Council of Guardians had killed Kira, Jo and Thomas’s parents, and that the blind guy was her father. I also found that this book did not tie in with our main theme of this unit. I don’t believe that Kira made a difference in the world very much at all. Kira made a small change in her community, and may go on to do something great for the world, but in this book she did not do much at all. I have not read the next book in the series but I hope that it ties up some of the loose ends in this book. A quote from the book that suggests this is “One day our villages will know each other…I can feel that already” I think that this quote is hinting a little bit that the story continues and the two villages meet each other in the next book. I hope that the next book ties up all the loose ends about Jonas’s and Kira’s stories, and I also hope that it is not as predictable and boring as The Giver and Gathering Blue were.
Response to Ben’s post –
Ben, I am very delighted to find another person who agrees with me. Yes, in my opinion, Gathering Blue was a horrible book, one of the worst that I have ever read. One thing I disagree with you Ben, the beginning wasn’t that bad; the story began with the death of the main character (Kira)’s mother, which drew me towards the story a bit. The content itself was extremely draggy and dull. Around the second last chapter, the story started to pick up some pace and I was quite surprised when Christopher said, “I’m your father.” After this Star Wars imitation, the story just collapsed. The ending was extremely poor; it didn’t wrap up the story at all. I remember checking about 10 times to see if that was the last page.
I really like the ideas of Lois Lowry, how she sees the world in a different perspective. However, I think she does a terrible job of explaining these concepts, especially ending her stories. And Ben, I totally agree with you, I would’ve never read this book if it wasn’t an assignment. My rating, I’d give it 1 out of 5.
I’m right now in the middle of Gathering Blue where Kira is learning how to dye. This book has been a bit boring but now it is started to pick up a little bit. Also I haven’t seen much of a difference Kira has made in the novel so far. I expected for this book to have more then just talk about her day and how much she misses her mom. If I was making this novel I would have stopped talking about how much she misses her mom by now and put some action into it. That way people would find this book more interesting like I would and most likely people would want to stay up that extra hour to see what happens next.
Please Tell me if I’m wrong or your opinions about my comment. Thanks.
Unlike no other. That is how I would explain what I have read so far in Gathering Blue. Not nessasarily in a good way. Gathering Blue to me is too similar to The Giver and they are both themed in different worlds. I felt that her plot to Gathering Blue was going too far and extended the Giver's plot too much. I am halfway through the book and it has not picked up yet and the book is definitely starting to bore me.
Every chapter the book repeats itself; wakes up, sees Thomas, walks to Annabella, comes home, does work, eats dinner, and sees Matt sometime in between there. If you ask me, that's not a plot.
Won Mo I agree with your opinion about Lois Lowry's ideas. She has an extremelly creative mind, and if she had the writing talent to match it, her books would be amazing.
Gathering Blue is one of the worst books I read. Yes, it was worse than God are you there it’s me Margaret and the video for Michael Jackson’s Thriller had a better ending than this horrible novel written by Lois Lowry, the Newberry Award winning author. A few words to describe this book: dull, boring, predictable and pointless. The actual content of the book (which is very pointless) is very concise, but Lois Lowry extended it, making the book extremely draggy. I felt no sympathy for Kira, the crippled protagonist because to me, she just seemed like a weirdo, who thinks that a piece of cloth talks to her. If Lowry had described how the cloth talks to her more specifically and used more descriptive words, that part could’ve been very moving. Yes, the suspense grew near the second last chapter, and I was a bit surprised when Kira’s father appeared. However, it did sound like a scene from Star Wars and was a bit too poor of a twist compared to the suspense that she built. The ending…I really don’t even want to write about it. Even a grade 4 could write a better ending than that. Her father just leaves and she looks at him go… Lois Lowry, were you half asleep when you wrote this? It was as if a last chapter was token out of the book. And as I mentioned in my previous post, I give this book a 1 out of 5 and trust me, it is not worth reading.
Maria, I love how you said "That's not a plot!" That is such a good comment! And Louise, your right. Her books would be absolutely AMAZING!
And Brent, she does write a lot about Kira missing her mom... its just Lois Lowry trying to fill up some pages. If you liked Gathering Blue, please don't feel offended by my comments! Thanks.
To Won Mo and Louise:
I completely agree with everything you guys have stated. The book is extremely action less and has a very poor story line. Kira herself, in my opinion, has a fairly weak character and demonstrates no action that are changing at all except for sowing up that robe and that wasn’t very changing world wise or even community wise. The fact that the book was so unbelievably predictable mad it a boring read and it wasn’t very enjoyable in my opinion. What do you guys think about Kira’s character? What about the ending? I was so disappointed with the ending that I, like Won Mo, kept searching for more. Showing up and saying, “I am your father,” and giving Kira some blue string wasn’t much of an ending in my opinion.
Ya, I agree with you Won Mo. I haven't read the ending but i unfortunetly already found it out... Lois Lowry is a copy cat. She takes c*ap from Star Wars. "I am Your Father." said te cripples dad... I find this to be pretty sad that she would go that low and take an ending (that sucks anyway) and uses it for herself. Like what is that about???
Sorry if i used words that I maybe shouldn't of but it just really angers me.
Louise you are right. I extremely found the book to be very predictable. I love to read books that have twists and turns as I think that makes the story a lot more exciting and hooks the reader. You are also right about Gathering Blue not having a proper ending. I really hoped that it would be better than The Giver in terms of the ending but I was wrong. There was a huge loose end and I think Lois Lowry could have wrote a better ending.
Do not read if you have not finished Gathering Blue...
I have finished Gathering Blue and yes, the book is so predictable. It seems like a little kid made it. This is because everything just so easily comes together like randomly finding her father. Lois Lawry didn’t even get into detail about how and where Matt had found him. Also as I read it, I thought that it was getting more interesting near the end. (not enough though to want me to keep going) But then it just dropped. Like there should have been something exciting going on with Kira’s father to make it a better book but Lois Lawry keeps it on a low and boring level. Does anyone know why she would do this?
Gathering Blue was an unfortunate book. Not in the way that the book was sad, but the way it was written was. The book was a waste of time to read and it was boring, so boring I never wanted to go back to reading it. Personally, if I was Lois Lowry I would get bored writing the book. It barely explained that anything was going to happen, for example: when they all of a sudden went to the ceremony of The Song I was so confused because she never explained what was happening. I agree with Won Mo except that I would probably give it a 0.5/5.
Ending Wrecker
Lois Lowery disappoints me yet again. This books story line was weak and meaningless along with its extremely disappointing ending. I found that the main character, Kira, made no difference world wise or community wise. The whole book was based on her sewing up the Singers robe and then her father showing up, giving her some blue and then leaving. The constant grammar mistakes in the way that Matt spoke made the books story line harder to follow and understand. Could you guys understand the way Matt spoke with ease? If not, did it make the story harder to understand? I didn’t see the point in the plot and I couldn’t find a climax. I found that the book Gathering Blue was not about making a difference and that disappointed me. The book was just so predictable it was like the narrator was yelling in your face what was going to happen next. I thought that this made the book weaker and way less fun to read. If the books plot was less predictable and a little more complex I think that the book would be a lot better. What do you guys think? I even think that it would have been a little more about Kira trying to change life in her community, not just sewing up some robe. Do you guys agree or disagree with me on that point? Despite the books feeble plot, I thought that when Vandra said, “The causer of death must die,” that it really made me think. When she said that I was able to make connections with our modern day world and how this is true is many countries. I personally think that this punishment is effective but is not making our world a better place to live in. I believe that Gathering Blue could have defiantly been more powerful in the area of making a difference but in a way it linked to the topic in tiny ways that could have went unnoticed.
Response to Maria
Hey Maria! I would like to let you know that I completely agree with you. Gathering Blue was poorly written and was confusing and had no major attention getters or climax and is rather a boring read. On the other hand, I still believe that there might be tiny things with larger meanings that might be hidden amongst the rather dull plot. I think that if you read deeper and really look at what the characters are saying that you might begin to agree with me; the story had a deeper meaning that the shallow read that we are looking at it as. Just the tiny things like, “The causer of death must die,” have deeper meaning than what we look at them as. I know that overall the book is dry but if you look deeper there are tiny things that have meaning. When you are sifting for gold all you see at that point is the mud and muck of the river, but when you look harder you begin to see the traces of gold and other precious metals. I know it is dull on the outside like the muck but on the inside, when you look harder you begin to see the gold.
Do you guys agree?
Chelsea I agree with you a little bit but I have to say, I don't think there's much gold to look for in this river.
Chelsea your post was deep!
And I agree with what you said; "Lois Lowry dissapoints me yet again."
I felt she should have known what she was doing more.
The biggest twist was when her dad showed up, which made no sense to me.
Lois Lawry on a bad ending streak? When I read this book I was hoping to get a good ending because of my disappointment from The Giver but unfortunately I didn’t get my wish. Has she run out of ideas or something? This strongly makes me never want to read The Messenger or any other of her books. This is because I can’t trust her that she is going to satisfy my wants of what I call “a good book.” I don’t see why Lois Lawry is a “successful” writer anyway. Don’t people realize all she is about disappointment? I have a part of the book on page 181 at the bottom that I’d like to tell you guys about what I mean about this being boring: Kira recalled; some slow, soaring lyrical phrases, followed by other harsher phrase… I can’t stand reading this!!! What kind of writer writes this c*ap?!?!?!?! Also… “Kira,” he said, but he did not need to tell her now, because she knew, “my name is Christopher, I’m your father.” This must have been so hard for Kira to find out because she thought he was dead ad has thought that for all her life but to now find out he’s alive and had to live without him forever would be hard on a very young girl. This was the biggest twist in the novel but Lois Lawry didn’t go into much detail about this or change almost anything about her life. That disappoints me ever more!!! Respond to what you think about my comments. Thank you=P
In response to Brent's first comment:
I am roughly 4/5 of a way through the novel Gathering Blue and despite the excessive amounts of negative comments surrounding the book; I am thoroughly enjoying the book. Now, it is not one of my all-time favorite books but does not deserve the extreme negativity towards it especially considering the attractive plot and the believable characters. If you are looking for an action book this is not going to be it and as Brent said the characters are not Hero’s and do not lead exciting, action-filled lives. But on the contrary, for a fairly quick read it addresses key emotions of the human nature and shows that despite what culture you may live in they are the same. The plot is believable with some good, although predictable, twists and turns and as I am nearing the climax I have a faint idea of the ending, but not enough to stop reading. As this is in response to Brent’s comment I have addressed and compared our different views, but of course he has a taste in reading that is different to mine, still I deeply encourage, you, Brent to not let knowing the ending of the novel stop you from enjoying the book.
Please give me your opinions on this topic. Thanks!
To what extent can Kira, an orphan with a twisted leg and the main character of Gathering Blue, make a difference in a world? Not only is her community violent and resistant to change, but they also cast the weak aside as if worthless beings of no value. Luckily, Kira was saved by her mother and now when her mum passes away Kira uses her unique talent of weaving to make a difference. “She could feel the future through her hands, in the pictures her hands were urging her to make.” Instead of moving to a comfortable town where she can be accepted and cherished, Kira decides to change her community’s cruel ways by rebelling against The Council of Guardians planned out future that she is supposed to weave, and instead creating her own. Despite the fact that we cannot exactly predict what she will weave, we do know the ideas she will want to communicate; change needs to happen-we need to respect everyone and become a more accepting and peaceful community. Even though we do not know what will be changed and to what extent, we do know that there will be an extent and in my opinion a large one.
In response to Chelsea’s response to Maria:
I completely agree with you Chelsea, I think that most people have gone into this book with a negative attitude and are therefore bias to the book as a whole. I am greatly pleased to have someone agree with me that there are parts of this novel that are well written and if taken in positively can be positive. I hope that people, if willing, will open there eyes a little deeper and if possible see the glimmer of gold beneath their clouded vision.
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